ADEMHALING - van inzicht naar beleving - master class met Raf De Groote
Op zaterdag 7 december van 14u tot 16u was Raf De Groote te gast bij Pilates Works voor een master class rond ademhaling.
Raf is musicus-fluitist en volgde meerjarige opleidingen tot Body Mapping teacher for Musicians en is Franklin Method Movement Educator level 3. Hij combineert sindsdien deze en tal van andere inzichten.
Het “lezen” van mensen en hun lichaamsgebruik in bewegings-intentie , het zièn en vrijmaken van blokkades en het doorgeven van gefundeerde lichaamskennis is zijn passie.
Workshops - Wunda Chair - Classical Reformer - On the Mat with Joe & the Elders (Part 1 & 2)
Michael and Ton are internationally recognized Pilates Teachers, presenters, educators, consultants, and innovators, and travel the world sharing their knowledge and experience. They were the last two people to do a true apprenticeship (no manuals or seminars) with Romana Kryzanowska. In 2000 Romana asked them to become Teacher of Teachers for her original International Pilates Certification Program in NYC. As Teacher Trainers and Supervising Instructors at the uptown Pilates Studio, Michael and Ton worked closely together with Romana and her daughter Sari Mejia Santo, training, guiding and testing hundreds of apprentices through the program. During this time they also collaborated with Physical Therapists at Performing Arts Physical Therapy in NYC.
Michael and Ton believe that Pilates is both an Art and a Science. It is an Art because it requires ability in execution and it is a Science because it is based on a systematic theory. It is this systematic theory, with concepts and principles, that is the common thread in all approaches, traditional and evolved.
Michael and Ton eventually left their positions at the Pilates Studio, and used their knowledge and experience to create and set up several customized independently owned and operated full Pilates certification programs internationally. Together they developed and created - the revolutionary TRIADBALL™ the first ball of its size created specifically for the Pilates method.
Their work today incorporates the work of all the Pilates Elders and their knowledge and experience of other movement and therapy modalities. In their private practice, they have worked with numerous A-list celebrities and are currently working with professional athletes from the NFL, MLB, NBA and PGA. As life long students Michael and Ton are currently in their advanced studies of Spiraldynamik® based out of Switzerland and are the representatives for Spiraldynamik® in the fields of Pilates and Fitness in the USA.
De workshop ging door op zaterdag 27 mei van 13:30u tot 16u.
Tijdens deze workshop leerde we zelf de volgende bereidingen maken:
een kruidig en ontspannend voetbad
een heerlijk frisse body scrub
een olie voor stijve en vermoeide spieren
een gezond, groen after-workout drankje
Elke is meester herborist afgestudeerd aan de Europese Academie voor Natuurlijke Gezondheidszorg en heeft de Pilates MAT opleiding gevolgd bij Pilates Works. Meer info over Elke vind je op:
30 - 31 Oktober 2019 - 2-daagse training met Eric franklin
Embodiment of Fascia Training for a Strong Back
Pilates Works was proud to welcome Eric Franklin in our studio for a 2-day training course with 22 participants from Belgium, Germany & the Netherlands. Eric Franklin, founder of the Franklin Method, is a dancer, movement educator, university lecturer and successful author.He has shared his imaging techniques in his teaching since 1986. Eric teaches at universities and arts educational schools throughout the world including New York University School of the Arts, the Royal Ballet School and the Laban Center in London.Read more about Eric Franklin and the Franklin method at
10 juni 2017 & 8 december 2018 Happy Healthy Feet - met Ilse en Ann
De les met voetoefeningen gegeven door Ann Van Huffel is volledig gewijd aan Pilates en Franklin oefeningen om je voeten te versterken en te versoepelen. Het op de juiste manier stimuleren en behandelen van de voeten heeft een positief effect op de knieën, heupen, rug en schouders. Tijdens deze les krijg je een grote variatie aan oefeningen met verschillende ‘props’.
Tijdens deze praktijkgerichte workshop voetreflexmassage met Ilse Van dyck krijg je een introductie in de voetreflexmassage. Op de voeten bevinden zich reflexzones, die overeenstemmen met alle organen en delen van ons lichaam. Door deze zones te masseren, kan de energie weer volop stromen en het natuurlijk evenwicht tussen lichaam en geest hersteld worden. Voetreflexmassage heeft een verzorgende, versterkende, zelfgenezende en ontspannende werking.
28 - 29 april 2018 - lessen & workshops met Pilates Master Teachers Michael Fritzke & Ton Voogt
Are internationally recognized Pilates presenters, educators, consultants and innovators with over 25 years experience in the fitness industry.
They believe that Pilates is both an Art and a Science. It is an Art because it requires ability in execution and it is a Science because it is based on a systematic theory. It is this systematic theory, with concepts and principles, that is the common thread in all approaches, traditional and evolved.
Michael and Ton both worked with Romana Kryzanowska, one of Joseph Pilates’ protégés, for over 10 years in New York City where they were Teacher Trainers for her original international Pilates certification program. Since 1996, Michael and Ton have collaborated specializing in the Pilates method. They co-founded ZENIRGY, LLC. and together they developed and created the revolutionary TRIADBALL™, TRIADBALL™ manual, numerous DVDs (commercial and educational) and several independently owned and operated Pilates certification programs in Norway, Austria, The Netherlands and Portugal.
2u durende workshop - inleiding tot meditatie - met Henry Teitelbaum
Praktische meditatie-workshop: wàt houdt meditatie eigenlijk in, hoe voelt het aan om te mediteren, waarom zou je dit überhaupt willen doen.
Henry is stress-coach, Mindfulness trainer, en yoga- & meditatieleraar. Hij leefde 1 jaar als monnik in Myanmar (Birma) en is lid van de Vlaamse Mindfulness-Beroepsvereniging. Zijn motto: Zacht is sterk, hard is broos
Sap-en Smoothie workshop van 1,5u met Annick Hendrickx (orthomoleculair voedingsdeskundige) Moe, futloos, vaak zin in iets zoets of in een kopje koffie? Dan is deze workshop iets voor u! Versgemaakte fruit- en groentesapjes bezorgen u terug een optimaal energieniveau en een blakende gezondheid. We maken allerhande medicinale sapjes en heerlijke smoothies, waaronder een verrassende bananen-cacao ‘milkshake’ zonder melk of toegevoegde suiker!
Beter ademen, beter leven - Franklin Workshop met Raf De Groote
9 januari 2016 & 4 juni 2016 - Fluitist /Franklin Method Educator L3 (
We ademen ong. 20.000 x per dag. Ademen is gekoppeld aan bewegingsvrijheid, stabiliteit en innerlijke rust/ spanning. We oefenen en bestendigen deze samenhang dus permanent.
Beter ademen betekent dus een verbetering op al deze vlakken…
In deze wetenschappelijk gefundeerde workshop gaan we interactief en op lichtvoetige wijze aan de slag. Je maakt o.a. kennis met
-ademhaling volgens evolutionair design :
(ademstructuur , ademvolumes en adem-mechanismes)
- relatie tussen adem , bewegingscoördinatie en stabiliteit
- ademen, spieren, skelet en organen
- adem vs spanning en rust …
Oefeningen met Franklin ballen/ banden .. en veel meer!
Na afloop zal je rustiger, stabieler én beweeglijker zijn.
Je zal deze weldadige verandering begrijpen en steeds kunnen terugvinden , een ankerpunt in je dagelijks leven!
10 - 11 oktober 2015 - lessen & workshops met Pilates Master Teachers Michael Fritzke & Ton Voogt
Are internationally recognized Pilates presenters, educators, consultants and innovators with over 25 years experience in the fitness industry.
They believe that Pilates is both an Art and a Science. It is an Art because it requires ability in execution and it is a Science because it is based on a systematic theory. It is this systematic theory, with concepts and principles, that is the common thread in all approaches, traditional and evolved.
Michael and Ton both worked with Romana Kryzanowska, one of Joseph Pilates’ protégés, for over 10 years in New York City where they were Teacher Trainers for her original international Pilates certification program. Since 1996, Michael and Ton have collaborated specializing in the Pilates method. They co-founded ZENIRGY, LLC. and together they developed and created the revolutionary TRIADBALL™, TRIADBALL™ manual, numerous DVDs (commercial and educational) and several independently owned and operated Pilates certification programs in Norway, Austria, The Netherlands and Portugal.
11 - 12 juni 2015 - 2 Franklin Method workshops met Morten Dithmer
Imagery for a Healthy and Youthful Spine
Increase your Energy and Release Stress Through Natural Breathing
Morten Dithmer is the associate director, co-visionary and major contributor to the Franklin Method.
He is a Franklin Teacher Trainer and teaches worldwide. Morten brings a potent mix of experience from dance, osteopathy, martial arts and comedy to his teaching. He was trained as a dancer at the Rotterdam Dance Academy in Holland, with a career in the performing arts extending over 20 years. He is an instructor in osteopathic bodywork and had a private practice in Tokyo for 12 years. He holds a 3rd degree black belt and teacher’s license in Aikido, a martial art.
Iyengar yoga is genoemd naar zijn grondlegger B.K.S. Iyengar (1918-2014, India). De Iyengar methode onderscheidt zich door haar zoektocht naar precisie in de yogahoudingen. Door het gebruik van ‘props’, hulpmiddelen zoals blokken, bolsters, riemen, stoelen...
23 - 24 april 2014 - 2 Franklin Method workshops met Morten Dithmer
Organ Movement for Health, Strength & Flexibility
The Jaw Workshop
Morten Dithmer is the associate director, co-visionary and major contributor to the Franklin Method.
He is a Franklin Teacher Trainer and teaches worldwide. Morten brings a potent mix of experience from dance, osteopathy, martial arts and comedy to his teaching. He was trained as a dancer at the Rotterdam Dance Academy in Holland, with a career in the performing arts extending over 20 years. He is an instructor in osteopathic bodywork and had a private practice in Tokyo for 12 years. He holds a 3rd degree black belt and teacher’s license in Aikido, a martial art.
Eric Franklin, founder of the Franklin Method, is a dancer, movement educator, university lecturer and successful author.
He has shared his imaging techniques in his teaching since 1986. Eric teaches at universities and arts educational schools throughout the world including New York University School of the Arts, the Royal Ballet School and the Laban Center in London.
Read more about Eric Franklin and the Franklin method at
Eric Franklin, founder of the Franklin Method, is a dancer, movement educator, university lecturer and successful author.
He has shared his imaging techniques in his teaching since 1986. Eric teaches at universities and arts educational schools throughout the world including New York University School of the Arts, the Royal Ballet School and the Laban Center in London.
Read more about Eric Franklin and the Franklin method at
Deze workshop met Ann Van Huffel & Christl Muls werd volledig gewijd aan pilatesoefeningen om de voeten te versterken en te versoepelen. Het op de juiste manier stimuleren en behandelen van de voeten heeft immers een niet te onderschatten positief effect op de knieën, heupen, rug en schouders. Tijdens de workshop werd een grote variatie aan oefeningen gegeven met verschillende ‘props’, waaronder tennisballen, knikkers, elastieke banden, de Pilates ‘toecorrector’ en ‘footcorrector’... Kortom, een volledige sessie ‘footwork’ om je fit te voelen van top tot teen!